Philanthropy is more than just a kind act of charity. It is also a way of preserving for future generations a hope and possibility that has been envisioned by a benefactor. Hope for the future is one of the most characteristic human traits. It is a way of attempting to shape future consciousnesses. Memorial plaques and donor walls commemorate the plans for the future from the perspective of the present, reminding the future generations of this plan, and hopefully inspiring them to live in accord with the gift that was given unto them.

Philanthropy is one of the most active ways of forming chaos out of the future’s uncertainty. It gives an organization direction and stability, structure and momentum. Philanthropy is a plan, a furtherance of ideas and an approach towards a goal. If such a plan did not exist, the furtherance may or may not occur, and if it did, it might take an extraordinarily long period of time. Memorial plaques and donor walls are the most requisite way of demonstrating appreciation for this narrative and the cohesion of a plan. Our lives form a story, which unfolds as we live. Philanthropy is a way of providing for a sequel.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, March 22, 2010 1 comments

(Prometheus Bound, Jacob Jordaens 1593-1678)

Philanthropy is a time honored tradition of giving and receiving. The word’s origins are from Prometheus Bound, thought to be written by Aeschylus in about 500 B.C.E. Prometheus’ name comes from philanthropos tropos and means a character of humanity loving . This is because the Titan gave humans optimism and fire, two gifts that allow us to distinguish ourselves from the beasts. Today, the word connotes an altruistic enhancement of a community through usually financial means. If you have experienced any philanthropy recently and your bequeathal has been prodigious, it may be time to think about donor plaques.

Donor plaques originated in the early 20th century as large American institutions needed a way to thank the providers of large sums who gave to their organizations. Today this practice has evolved into a multiplicity of ways of giving thanks. For example, donor walls have taken shape as a Tree of Life and are now more than simple methods of appreciation: they are aesthetic emoluments both for the community and the giver.

And whether you choose the more traditional bronze plaques and memorial walls, or a beautiful Tree of Life, you can be sure that such recognition will inspire the kindness and generosity of others to follow after the first.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, March 15, 2010 2 comments

Acts of kindness are fundamental to human nature. If they were not, humans would be satisfied living in solitude, which for most of us is not the case. Communities are founded on giving back. This notion can be seen in all walks of life. From learning to share as a child to giving back to the community the excess of one’s life savings, the same fundamental sentiment is demonstrated. But the same thanks given after playing with a friend’s toys does not do justice to a large display of generosity. For a special way of appreciation, look to donor plaques.

Or if a legacy has been built from too many names to fit on donor plaques, you may want to think about memorial walls, or even a tree of life, which is a more creative way of expressing gratitude. A tree of life fosters further acts of giving through its beautiful enshrinement of names.

So if you want to preserve the memory of an individual who has made a difference to your community, think about memorial plaques, donor plaques, or even a tree of life. You can celebrate that age old feeling of sharing by forever preserving the individual’s spirit.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, March 8, 2010 1 comments

Memorial walls and donor plaques can be found everywhere – I’ve even seen them in bars. You may commonly associate them with resplendent acts of generosity, which can be memorialized with a Tree of Life quite nicely, but your benefactors don’t have to give millions to feel appreciated. Judaica Engraving International has options aplenty for your desire to show your gratitude. Let’s take a look at a few:

Tree of Life: This is one of our more popular ways of commemoration. It allows you to express artistry in the rededication of your building as our selection ranges from dozens of different tree designs to a horse and even an apple design.

Donor Walls & Memorial Walls: If you’re interested in a more traditional style, we have flat panels for your wall with wood, metal and even stone.

Donor Plaques: These dedication plaques allow you to personalize a commemoration for those special people who have helped your community to grow.

Stained Glass: This beautiful way of remembering will surely last for generations to come. Whether you are interested in color or clear engraving, your donors will feel special with their memory enshrined in glass.

If these options aren’t enough, or if you want to get an even better idea of our selection,
visit today!

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, March 1, 2010 0 comments

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