Everyone likes some recognition for the good things they have done, which includes donors who donate to fundraisers, charities, and other organizations. If you are looking for a way to recognize your donors, there are many options you have to consider. However, the most important thing you should remember when recognizing donors is that such recognition often builds donor loyalty, which is exactly what you want for your organization. The first problem I had when choosing how I wanted to acknowledge my donors was choosing the form of recognition.

Donor Walls and Donor Plaques are a great start, but they are often done with many people enjoying them for the first month or so, and then forgetting them afterward. If you are looking for a positively wonderful way to recognize someone special and close to your organization, you should consider planting a Tree of Life. These are a lasting testament to just how valuable your donor or donors are, and depending on the type of tree you choose to plant, it could last well over 50 years.

Regardless of the method you choose, you should be sure to acknowledge all of your donors, no matter how small. After all, you want to keep them as donors and the best way to do this is to show your appreciation for their contribution by telling the world that you and your organization are appreciative of the donors. With donor parties and plaques, you can be sure to keep your donors in the public eye, which will encourage them to continue supporting your organization.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, December 28, 2009 1 comments

“Speak my name and the breath of life returns, remember me and I live again!” These words you will find on many ancient Egyptian tomb walls. They literally believed that if they were remembered, their spirit, soul or ka as they called it, would live on immortal. This is why having your name everywhere was so important to them. They literally believed their immortal afterlife depended on it. The downside of this, of course was that if your enemy defaced your name on a monument or tomb, you and your soul were in serious trouble.

Nowadays people still have this mindset of wanting to be remembered, and the simple truth is that for all we know it is the only form of immortality we have. We donate to charities, do great and courageous things or work hard all our life in the hope that we will be remembered for the actions of a life well lived and contributions made. We still have our names on these monuments in the form of donor walls, donor plaques, trees of life outlining our achievements, a legacy or witness to our lives, to show we were here, that we mattered.

We know how important donor recognition is and that this will lead to more donors. We not only offer special ways to commemorate an act of charity, kindness or any life achievement; but also offer a service to help organize a donor party and a way to say thank you to whomever has helped or given in a loving and generous way. We invite you to see our collection of donor plaque, donor walls and tree of life designs to make sure all potential donors know that they will be appreciated and their contributions or hard work will never be forgotten.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, December 21, 2009 1 comments

This is actually a really good question. I think a lot of people assume that the only time you would buy a donor wall is if you were placing someone’s name on the wall, you know… in memory of. But this isn't necessarily the case. You can also purchase donor walls and donor plaques to show appreciation towards donors, commemorate someone for doing something heroic, or even to mention who planned your building.

And there are moving stories when it comes to donor walls. One of the stories I have seen lately was for a gentleman that had suddenly died of cardiac arrest. His wife wanted to set up a memorial for him and needed help with the contributions. She ended up building the memorial for her husband and with it she also added a donor wall, to thank all the people that contributed money to the memorial.

The wall included the contributors name, how much they contributed and in what way they knew this man. Not only does it pay tribute to the person that had passed away, but it also pays tribute to the contributors as well. It's just a really nice way to not only say goodbye, but to also say thank you as well.

You can be an individual business, company, or as we can see above, even an individual person that simply wants to celebrate a person's life. The donor plaques are also a really nice option if you want to pay tribute to a handful of donors - one of my all-time favorite plates is the Tree Of Life. This is a standing plaque with bronze tree trunk and gold plated (or silver) leaves which the names of the donors are etched on. Very inspiring, very beautiful and very well-made.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, December 14, 2009 2 comments

For the most parts, charities are going to depend on people in order to survive. You have the Lupus Fund for example, that uses donations from members and from people that want to donate money to the fund in order to allow them to contribute fund for critical research to acquire the causes and curse for lupus. These funds also help support victims that have fallen ill to Lupus as well. These funds and charities don't make money any other way so they absolutely need people TO contribute and TO donate.

For funds such as this one, a Tree Of Life donor plaque would be a terrific idea in order to honor those people that have contributed money towards the fund. Of course people can also be anonymous as well, but a lot of these donor walls and donor plaques are going to be in memoriam of the names of these people that contribute, maybe a name of their company or business (almost like that of a sponsor) and if need be how much they donated.

This is more or less a "thank you" gift to show your supporters how much you appreciate them. You can also purchase individual donor plaques as well - this is nice if you have just a handful of people every year or every month that donate. However, the donor walls are great for charities or funds where you have dozens if not hundreds of people donating.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, December 7, 2009 1 comments

If you have a business or an institution, chances are you have donors. These donors are a HUGE part of your company and or institution so it's important that you memorialize them in such ways to let them know how much you appreciate them. One of the best ways of going about this is by placing donor walls or donor plaques in your building. A donor wall is more than just a list of the donor names and how much they donated.

Donor walls should also be a presentation of your most substantial achievements, a recognition of your most benevolent and dedicated supporters, and a compelling statement of your purpose and visual sensation. Not only are these donor walls and door plaques incredibly beautiful and stunning, but they also are practical as well. These donor walls will bring in more donors and are actually quite cost efficient depending on the route you choose to take.

A lot of these are quite awe-inspiring and may include everything from etched names in glass to etched names in various types of plaques such as the Tree Of Life which has a bronze tree trunk along with brass or silver plated leaves with the names of your donors! You have a lot of options when it comes to customizing these types of donor walls and donor plaques, just visit www.jeii.com and see for yourself!

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Tuesday, December 1, 2009 0 comments

When people think of donors they automatically think of a person or business that has given away money to another person or business. However, this can also be in appreciation for something someone has done, it can be in memory of someone or can just be a list of people that have somehow made your life or your business more successful. When it comes to these donor recognition options you have all kinds of carrying options available to you - which is perfect since everyone seems to have their own styles!

Many buildings across the United States have these types of donor recognition plaques including war memorials, buildings that have been constructed in memoriam of, and hospitals that are nonprofit organization. The two major options are donor walls and donor plaques. The Tree Of Life plaques were one of my favorites just because of the symbology behind the tree and that actual structural design of the Tree of Life.

All of our donor recognition plaques have the same function - which is to line up your donors with names, titles, their business and even how much donated to the charity or organization. This is fantastic way to show your gratitude and appreciation for people that donate to companies!

Trees of life, donor walls, memorial walls, plaques, name plates, personalized awards. Signs and stained glass. Judaica Engraving International can create your dream on marble, wood, bronze, brass, glass, corian, lucite, acrylic or anything imaginable.

Visit us at www.jeii.com today and choose the honorable way to honor.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, November 23, 2009 0 comments

Recently while doing some searching around online I found these really neat plaques. Actually they weren't really like a plaque. I consider a plaque to be a piece of bronze or other type of metal that is screwed or hinged on to a board or other raw material. These Trees of Life were actual standing trees - no board included. Some included boards, but I liked the ones that didn't better! The tree leaves were bronze and could include donor names - people that have donated to your business, community, charity, etc.

The trunk of the tree was then made out of a hardened material that stayed flush with whatever you were to hang it on - in most cases a door or a wall. This is pretty much to just show gratitude and appreciation for your donors. Depending on the type of business you have and the number of donors you have you might want to look at different options besides the tree of life such as donor walls and donor plaques. All the sites online are going to offer different shapes, sizes, colors, options for engraving, prices, etc.

Even if you don't like the idea of donor walls or donor plaques, there are also some other options for you to consider as well such as book of memory, door add on plaques, awards of recognition and much more!

Visit us at www.jeii.com today and choose the honorable way to honor.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, November 16, 2009 1 comments

"Donor Wall"

Very simply put, donor walls are quite literally a wall that allows you to place donors names on the board. These donor walls don't really come in a standard size per se because people can really have the freedom to choose whatever size options they want to choose from. There are also donor plaques available as well.

"Dedication Plaque"

The donor plaques are usually much smaller than that of a "wall", but they still can vary by size and shape depending on what you want, how many people you are going to place on the plaque and how much room you need for the names.

Some people will opt-in and choose that they want their name, business and how much they donated while others will just want a name and the name of their company or something of the like.

Trees of life, donor walls, memorial walls, plaques, name plates, personalized awards. Signs and stained glass. Judaica Engraving International can create your dream on marble, wood, bronze, brass, glass, corian, lucite, acrylic or anything imaginable.

Visit us at www.jeii.com today and choose the honorable way to honor.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, November 9, 2009 1 comments

If you are a business that has had donors in the past, it's really important that you show gratitude to the person and or company that donated. This can actually be done a few different ways, but one of the most professional and sincere is to get donor plaques or donor walls.

Frankly even when it comes to donating I always like doing it anonymously, but if someone spends a lot of money, this is a really nice way to show your appreciation. There are other kinds of donor gratitude options as well, different shapes of the plaques, different designs, options, etc. An elegant option is choosing the Tree of Life.

Usually this specific "tree" will be bronzed along with room on the actual leaves where you can add the names of the donors. This one might be particularly useful if you have a lot of donors. The styling is really going to depend on you, but in case you were curious of what is available and what is not it really does to reach a point of limitations!

Visit us at www.jeii.com today and choose the honorable way to honor.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Wednesday, November 4, 2009 1 comments

The origin of stained glass dates back to ancient times, to the Romans and the Egyptians, but throughout the last thousand years, stained glass is known to decorate the windows of significant buildings.

Stained glass is made by adding metallic salts during the manufacture of the glass, which creates unique colors. The pieces of colored glass are then crafted into windows, sculptures and structures, while usually arranged to depict patterns, portraits and pictures.

The makers of the glass often paint extra details on the glass in order to enhance the overall design of the work. It’s not easy to create a piece of stained glass and many consider the processes to be highly artistic. Engineering skills are also required in order to achieve perfect assembly, so the window will fit into the building space, resist rain and wind and support its own weight.

Visit www.JEII.com and learn about the many exciting designs available, including many figurative or non-figurative designs, mostly concentrating on narratives, stories, figures, and symbols from the bible or Jewish history on lovely stained glass.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Friday, October 30, 2009 1 comments

When organizations receive a generous contribution, when there’s a need to recognize or commemorate, when just saying thanks is not enough – engraving is the elegant, everlasting answer.

Engraving is one of the most ancient forms of art and decoration and today, hospitals, colleges, synagogues, schools, and other fine institutions use this technique in order to honor and remember significant donors or even employees that reached the pinnacle of their career.

At Judaica Engraving International, we have been designing fine Donor Recognition products since 1965. Leaders in design and workmanship, Judaica Engraving plaques and walls grace the finest institutions worldwide.

Trees of life, donor walls, memorial walls, plaques, name plates, personalized awards. Signs and stained glass. Judaica Engraving International can create your dream on marble, wood, bronze, brass, glass, corian, lucite, acrylic or anything imaginable.

Visit us at www.jeii.com today and choose the honorable way to honor.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, October 19, 2009 1 comments

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