Recently while doing some searching around online I found these really neat plaques. Actually they weren't really like a plaque. I consider a plaque to be a piece of bronze or other type of metal that is screwed or hinged on to a board or other raw material. These Trees of Life were actual standing trees - no board included. Some included boards, but I liked the ones that didn't better! The tree leaves were bronze and could include donor names - people that have donated to your business, community, charity, etc.

The trunk of the tree was then made out of a hardened material that stayed flush with whatever you were to hang it on - in most cases a door or a wall. This is pretty much to just show gratitude and appreciation for your donors. Depending on the type of business you have and the number of donors you have you might want to look at different options besides the tree of life such as donor walls and donor plaques. All the sites online are going to offer different shapes, sizes, colors, options for engraving, prices, etc.

Even if you don't like the idea of donor walls or donor plaques, there are also some other options for you to consider as well such as book of memory, door add on plaques, awards of recognition and much more!

Visit us at today and choose the honorable way to honor.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, November 16, 2009

1 Responses to Tree Of Life Plaques - What Are These For?

  1. Thanks for sharing this sites!
    In Memory Of Plaque
    Donor Recognition


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