“Speak my name and the breath of life returns, remember me and I live again!” These words you will find on many ancient Egyptian tomb walls. They literally believed that if they were remembered, their spirit, soul or ka as they called it, would live on immortal. This is why having your name everywhere was so important to them. They literally believed their immortal afterlife depended on it. The downside of this, of course was that if your enemy defaced your name on a monument or tomb, you and your soul were in serious trouble.

Nowadays people still have this mindset of wanting to be remembered, and the simple truth is that for all we know it is the only form of immortality we have. We donate to charities, do great and courageous things or work hard all our life in the hope that we will be remembered for the actions of a life well lived and contributions made. We still have our names on these monuments in the form of donor walls, donor plaques, trees of life outlining our achievements, a legacy or witness to our lives, to show we were here, that we mattered.

We know how important donor recognition is and that this will lead to more donors. We not only offer special ways to commemorate an act of charity, kindness or any life achievement; but also offer a service to help organize a donor party and a way to say thank you to whomever has helped or given in a loving and generous way. We invite you to see our collection of donor plaque, donor walls and tree of life designs to make sure all potential donors know that they will be appreciated and their contributions or hard work will never be forgotten.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, December 21, 2009

1 Responses to Special And Innovative Ways To Commemorate People

  1. I am so glad to read this
    Yahrzeit Boards
    Donor Recognition Plaques


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