When I see donor walls and the dozens of names enshrined on them, I think of the past beneficence and virtue that has long been intrinsic to mankind. There is new evidence that along with the most simple pleasures of eating and procreating, the same parts of the brain triggered during these acts are engaged when we participate in magnanimous acts. If you find this strange or incredible, just think about it. Giving back is something that allows for us to share in our fellow humanity; it is a prescription for community, and humans, as social animals, need fraternity.
When all of our basic needs are met, what more can we do but think about the happiness of others? Beneficence is one of the highest virtues, and a key to true happiness.
Donor plaques preserve the memories of giving, and are a way to ensure that the names of benefactors are never forgotten. Donor Walls, bronze plaques, a Tree of Life, these are all beautiful methods by which you can remind others of one of the most important human virtues. Judaica Engraving International understands the importance of giving, and wants to help you commemorate those who have aided your organization.
Groups and organizations of all kinds know just how important it is to have the support of their community, be it financial, emotional, or physical. It’s time to show recognition and gratitude to the individuals that have given their time, energy, and money to make your cause great, with donor plaques, memorial plaques, and donor walls.
Cast bronze plaques are an excellent, and relatively inexpensive way of showing your appreciation to an individual or group that has made a difference. By either presenting bronze plaques in a ceremony, or installing a Tree of Life donor wall that shows the growth of your organization and the involvement of the community, you are not only saying thank you, you are also providing an extra incentive to give.
Consider the honor of a family to have their name mounted, in the form of bronze plaques or memorial plaques, on donor walls or memorial walls around their city or town; their name will be forever remembered for their involvement and generosity with regards to the well-being of their community.
Yup, it’s true, we are capable of being very selfish as human beings, but we are also capable of the most selfless actions and of being able to live up to the high ideals we often fall short of achieving. Bronze plaques are an excellent way to remember the brave and giving actions of the individuals and groups who have given so much to be an example to us all. Cast bronze plaques are as durable as the effects of the selfless or extraordinary actions of the individuals we would be celebrating with stunning memorial plaques.
If the group being remembered is too large for a bronze plaque, then that situation would warrant the commissioning of memorial walls. Bare in mind that the style, or design of the donor walls do not only have to consist of a list of names inscribed belong one another in a row. For extra effect a tree of life design would be an amazing donor "wall" as well, symbolic of the life that has given so much and touched the lives of so many others can be selected.
So see what donor plaques, tree of life or donor wall designs are available, because these days it seems we have no end of heroes, and the names of heroes should be memorialized as best we can, lest we forget the greatness we are able to display in the midst of the challenges life throws at us.
Philanthropy has long been a necessary and widely recognized virtue. Giving time, energy and financial backing to a cause or an organization that one believes in is a way for individuals to selflessly show just how much they believe in and care about that cause. It is important to recognize the individuals that keep the spirit of giving alive, and one excellent way of doing so is by creating donor plaques or donor walls to honor their contributions. Despite the fact that philanthropists are typically self-effacing individuals that simply wish to be of help, there are also individuals that will be motivated to give to a given cause, if they know that they will be publicly recognized.
Consider the effect of a wall adorned with cast bronze plaques and the individual’s name. Other families may wish to honor the memory of a loved one by giving to a cause in their name. Memorial walls are an excellent way of recognizing an individual that has passed, whose generosity has made the construction of a building, or the continuation of an important cause, possible. One unique and attractive form of donor wall that has become popular of late is the Tree of Life.
It is literally a tree design that features bronze plaques as its individual leaves. Every time an individual or organization contributes to the given cause, their name is engraved on one of these plaques, and forever remembered by those that benefited for their generosity.