My experience with the community relations office of our local domestic violence shelter taught me a few things about large-scale fundraising. When it comes to going after the really big donations, showing appreciation takes on a whole new meaning. Extreme donors are motivated by seeing their names prominently placed on a donor wall, a permanent donor plaque, or a leaf on a Tree of Life. Their generous friends are equally motivated by seeing their peer get the honors treatment. This is how an organization’s donor recognition program can become a great incentive for more donors.

In addition to public recognition, we planned yearly donor parties to thank those who provided the financial underpinning to our cause. We made sure everything connected with the party was first class. The invitations referred to the donors as “V.I.P.s” and we even acquired the services of a few regional celebrities to help honor those on whom our little shelter so depended. We invited each donor to invite a friend – our subtle way to work that peer angle. By the time the evening was over, we often doubled our donor base.

Big givers also like to have their photos taken for the newspaper, along with stories about their generosity. So we always invited members of the press to our parties and any ceremonies held through the year involving our donor walls and donor plaques or the Tree of Life in the children’s playroom. These actions kept the donations flowing and our clients well served.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Thursday, January 7, 2010

1 Responses to Thanking Your Donors Could Lead To Even More Pledges

  1. I am so glad to see this post.
    Donor Plaques
    Donor Recognition Plaques


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