When I see donor walls and the dozens of names enshrined on them, I think of the past beneficence and virtue that has long been intrinsic to mankind. There is new evidence that along with the most simple pleasures of eating and procreating, the same parts of the brain triggered during these acts are engaged when we participate in magnanimous acts. If you find this strange or incredible, just think about it. Giving back is something that allows for us to share in our fellow humanity; it is a prescription for community, and humans, as social animals, need fraternity.
When all of our basic needs are met, what more can we do but think about the happiness of others? Beneficence is one of the highest virtues, and a key to true happiness.
Donor plaques preserve the memories of giving, and are a way to ensure that the names of benefactors are never forgotten. Donor Walls, bronze plaques, a Tree of Life, these are all beautiful methods by which you can remind others of one of the most important human virtues. Judaica Engraving International understands the importance of giving, and wants to help you commemorate those who have aided your organization.
Makes Me Wanna Challah!
14 years ago
Thanks for sharing this sites!
Brass Plaques
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