Groups and organizations of all kinds know just how important it is to have the support of their community, be it financial, emotional, or physical. It’s time to show recognition and gratitude to the individuals that have given their time, energy, and money to make your cause great, with donor plaques, memorial plaques, and donor walls.
Cast bronze plaques are an excellent, and relatively inexpensive way of showing your appreciation to an individual or group that has made a difference. By either presenting bronze plaques in a ceremony, or installing a Tree of Life donor wall that shows the growth of your organization and the involvement of the community, you are not only saying thank you, you are also providing an extra incentive to give.
Consider the honor of a family to have their name mounted, in the form of bronze plaques or memorial plaques, on donor walls or memorial walls around their city or town; their name will be forever remembered for their involvement and generosity with regards to the well-being of their community.
Makes Me Wanna Challah!
14 years ago
Thanks for sharing this sites!
Custom Bronze Plaque
Plaque Design