Everyone likes some recognition for the good things they have done, which includes donors who donate to fundraisers, charities, and other organizations. If you are looking for a way to recognize your donors, there are many options you have to consider. However, the most important thing you should remember when recognizing donors is that such recognition often builds donor loyalty, which is exactly what you want for your organization. The first problem I had when choosing how I wanted to acknowledge my donors was choosing the form of recognition.

Donor Walls and Donor Plaques are a great start, but they are often done with many people enjoying them for the first month or so, and then forgetting them afterward. If you are looking for a positively wonderful way to recognize someone special and close to your organization, you should consider planting a Tree of Life. These are a lasting testament to just how valuable your donor or donors are, and depending on the type of tree you choose to plant, it could last well over 50 years.

Regardless of the method you choose, you should be sure to acknowledge all of your donors, no matter how small. After all, you want to keep them as donors and the best way to do this is to show your appreciation for their contribution by telling the world that you and your organization are appreciative of the donors. With donor parties and plaques, you can be sure to keep your donors in the public eye, which will encourage them to continue supporting your organization.

Posted by Ajax Union Blogging Monday, December 28, 2009

1 Responses to Why Is Donor Recognition Such An Important Part Of An Organization?

  1.  I really enjoy your blog.
    Donor Recognition Plaques


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